English Isn’t Transparent Or Is It?

Binati Sheth
1 min readAug 30, 2019

I am going to annoy you a bit with the English language today.

You might be chuffed or chuffed! Chuffed is an informal British adjective which means:

1. delighted; pleased; satisfied

2. annoyed; displeased; disgruntled

See what I meant be annoying?

These words, which have contrasting meanings, are referred to as contranyms. These are infuriating words which literally have two definitions that mean the opposite thing.

This article is quite egregious, isn’t it?

Well, egregious is another adjective which means:

1. Outstandingly bad; shocking

2. Remarkably good

By now, you are completely nonplussed by this whole article, aren’t you?

Well, nonplussed is also one of these annoying adjectives which means:

1. (of a person) Surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react

2. (of a person) Unperturbed, Unconcerned

I promise, this one is the last. Just spend a minute perusing this post. Maybe even engage a bit.

Peruse is a verb which means:

1. to look at or read (something) in an informal or relaxed way

2. to examine or read (something) in a very careful way

That’s it. I’m done! Don’t sanction me.


